Day #1316 (Sun., Aug. 11, 2013) – Daddy/Daughter Day #2

2013-08-11 - Consignment GoodiesThe photo to the left shows some of the “goodies” that my wife picked up at the consignment sale yesterday.

Katie wanted to play in the pool this morning but I managed to delay her til she had at least a bit of breakfast. She said she wanted “milk and raisins but no Cheerios”. That’s a change…she usually insists on Cheerios and milk with nothing else in them. After that she wanted some gummy bears. She doesn’t like the yellow ones as she says they are too spicy. I told her that I took the spice out of them and she said that they were “yummy”.

Katie insisted that I wear my swimming trunks into the pool so I put on my new red ones. I then gave her a beach ball that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day. We enjoyed kicking it around until my wife went and got Gabby from next door.

This afternoon my wife was interested in having a bit of a rest so I decided that I would have Daddy/Daughter Day #2. I took Katie to Moe’s where we shared a chicken salad. We then went to the Dollar Store where she picked out one toy…a bag of plastic frogs (go figure)… We then went to WholeFoods to get some supplies. Katie wanted blueberries, grapes and marshmallows. I picked up some almond milk for myself.

1) Katie and I had our second Daddy/Daughter Day today.