Day #1315 (Sat., Aug. 10, 2013) – The Glitter Gun
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This morning Katie wanted to go into the pool so when I awoke she was already playing in it while my wife kept an eye on her. She was soon inside wanting to paint so I helped her mix some pink and purple paint. Soon it was time for a snack of turkey bacon and a bit of television.
My wife went to a consignment sale in Morrisville so I tended to Katie. She wanted to go out into the pool so we I thought I would distract her by introducing the big red bat (shown in the photo to the right) and ball. She played with it for a bit, but she really wanted to go swimming, so off we went. After changing her into her swimsuit we were out the door and the sprinklers were on. She jumped into the pool and played with her inflatable whale for a bit. Soon my wife was home with her booty.
My wife picked up another baby monitor but it didn’t have a charger. The other charger has a short so I drove to Radio Shack to see what they had to fix it. They wanted $12.00 for their kit.
One of the toys that my wife got for Katie was a glitter gun. You put glitter into a little compartment and when you turn it on it will dispense glitter. Katie and I played with it for most of the evening.
1) Katie enjoyed playing with her glitter gun this evening.