Day #1322 (Sat., Aug. 17, 2013) – Chicken Road Jokes
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The first thing Katie said to me this morning was she thought we needed to get an umbrella so we wouldn’t get wet when we went to YoPop. First thing in the morning and she already wanted ice cream. I made her some bacon and eggs instead and she ate it on the LazyBoy while she watched “Sesame Street”.
Later on in the morning we were all resting on the master bed when I asked Katie “Why did the chicken cross the road”? She answered “Because someone was chasing him”. We all laughed. This lead to me bringing up all the various “Chicken & Road Jokes” on the internet and we had a good laugh at those.
My wife went to bed this afternoon and after trying to put Katie to bed I decided it would be better if I took her out so my wife could sleep. We ended up going to YoPop…but first we stopped off at the new deli next door for a Gyro. Katie wanted some apple juice so I bought her a bottle. She had some of my gyro, but not much.
After the meal I thought we would go for a drive so that she could have time to digest before having some frozen yogurt (see photo to the right). As we were driving around my wife called. She is up now and wanted a gyro so we went back to the deli. I ordered the gyro, we went next door and got some YoPop. When we were done I stopped off at the deli to pick up the gyro and we went home.
Later this evening, around 7pm, Katie went to her bed and rested. She asked my wife to not close the door. Her plan was to rest her eyes and go back to playing but soon she was “out”. We all went to bed soon after that…
1) Katie and Daddy share a Gyro.