Day #1441 (Sat., Dec. 14, 2013) – Christmas Parade No Show
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The more I think about it the name of this website, “Baby Comments” is quite appropriate. Katie will always be our baby, and she sure comes up with some interesting comments. For example, today she said “Don’t touch my pills – they are private property!”. Where does she come up with this stuff.
Rainy and cold today. Despite this fact we probably would have gone to the Chapel Hill Christmas Party, but we forgot. We basically stayed inside all day.
I managed to finally get to cleaning up the armoire this afternoon. You can’t believe the number of Trader Joe’s stickers I found. When Katie got up from her nap we started to use them. The photo to the right shows part of the box the television set came in … and the placement of the stickers upon it.
More comments later in the day. “Daddy I want to marry you as girls marry boys”. When I asked her who told her this she said Helen. A bit later she told me: “Daddy I want to marry you all day”.
1) We were thinking of taking Katie to the Chapel Hill Christmas Parade this morning but totally forgot about it.