Day #1440 (Fri., Dec. 13, 2013) – Up Late With Daddy
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We had handymen in our house for a lot of the day. As a result my wife could not take a nap, so by the time I got home from work she was beat. I took over tending to Katie while she rested.
They say that you can expect a child to have an attention span of 1 minute per age…so Katie has an attention span of about 4 minutes. That means there is a lot going on in the course of an evening. For example:

1) Katie would leaf through books and see something that she wanted me to draw…which I would then draw (see photo to the right).
2) She wanted to play hockey so we batted a ball back and forth in the living room.
3) She wanted to watch “Cow & Chicken” (which she says is her new favorite show…aren’t they all?)
4) She wanted a dish of “Flat Cheese” as she calls it…basically block cheese sliced into a rectangle.
5) She wanted milk to dunk her cookie in, which subsequently went all over the floor. I could see that coming. Luckily the cats helped me with cleanup by licking it up.
6) She wanted to play with the “always fashionable” jungle animals.
I managed to put her to bed around 12:38am but she was still talking. My wife woke up and took over at that point.
1) This evening we played the game where Katie would say what she wanted me to draw and I would…