Day #1580 (Fri., May 2, 2014) – Running With Scissors
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When I got home from work this evening my wife and Katie were in the front yard trimming some of the flowers. Katie was running with the scissors at one point and I had to stop her and tell her not to do that because it was dangerous. She didn’t listen at first but as I persisted it gradually sunk in.
My wife and I were in the office and bedroom this evening when Katie came running down the hall. She asked my wife for some chocolate cake. I said I didn’t think she needed some. Katie replied “I’m talking to mommy”. My wife then asked if I was going to the kitchen and could I get her some. I said “Katie is not talking to me”. Katie replied “I’m talking to you now”. Opportunist…
I tried to tell Katie a “knock knock” joke this evening:
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Boo Hoo?
Why are you crying?
I don’t think she got it.
Katie likes to “pretend sleep” with her animals. In the photo to the left you can see them all bundled together in the master bed. You can see Katie’s hair sticking out from the blanket towards the right of the photo.
1) I tried out some knock knock jokes on Katie this evening.