Day #1612 (Tue., June 3, 2014) – Take Your Medicine
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The medicine regimen for lyme disease treatment is liquid medicine in the morning and evening. It’s supposed to taste good…”Bubble Gum Flavor”…but Katie doesn’t think so. Maybe her taste buds are not like other children as we have tried to feed her organic and healthy food and stay away from junk? At any rate, it can be quite the game to get her to not spit is out. I must admit that she has been so much better at taking her liquid medicine this time as opposed to previous times.
My wife took today off as a vacation day and tended to Katie. They stayed at home for the morning doing crafts and playing outside. They even managed to clean our carport. Our new roll out recycle bin is coming in roughly a week so we need to make some space for it.
After lunch they headed to Kidzu. The new exhibit “PLANT, SPROUT, CLIMB!” is opening on Saturday with the preview night for the members on Friday. They could see the garden and market stations from the old museum, the new climbing wall, and some art. They spent a lot of time reading books in the book nook and making different crafts in the “Makery”. Katie played with paper punches, made a caterpillar (see photo to the left), cocoon and a butterfly; one Japanese mom taught my wife how to make an origami crane. After leaving Kidzu they made a quick stop at the children’s consignment store Red Hen where my wife got a few pieces of clothing, a puzzle and a fairy game for Katie.
As they were leaving the building they saw lots of action and could see and smell the smoke near the mall. Fire trucks were coming one after another. There were already 5 police cars and a few ambulances there. The road they usually take home was blocked so they had to find another way. One quick stop at the library to return books and then straight home to play with the new fairy game.
Of course as soon as they got home Katie wanted to check on Zach, so off they went to Lucy’s house. They ended up taking Zach for a walk. Once they passed Helen’s house Katie wanted to play with Helen so they said by to Lucy and Zach and off to see Helen they went.
1) My wife took the day off to play with Katie today.