Day #1623 (Sat., June 14, 2014) – Kung Fu Elephant

2014-06-14 - Kung Fu ElephantMy wife wanted to go to a sale at Gymburee near SouthPoint so I tended to Katie this morning. First up was breakfast. I made pancakes and sausages. I didn’t think she would like the sausages as they were too spicy, but she ate four of them.

Katie and I played “Search & Find” after our breakfast. She found an elephant doing Kung Fu (see photo to the left). She knew what that was…or so I thought. When I asked her what it was she said that it “lives in a tree”.

We were soon down on her bed reading a mouse story. I would super impose a cat into the theme of the story and Katie would try to find an appropriate cat sticker to put into the book.

My wife and I took Katie for a walk this evening but Katie started to whine so we were soon home. I wanted to teach her a lesson that if she whines people will not want to play with her.

1) Katie ate four sausages this morning.