Day #1768 (Thu., Nov. 6, 2014) – Crying At Dance Class

2014-11-06 - Pony PlayKatie’s latest “thing” seems to be playing with her “My Little Pony” dolls (See photo to the left).

Susan dropped Helen off at our place this morning. My Wife dropped her off at her preschool after she dropped Katie off.

Dance class today was quite the drama. Katie didn’t want to dance. She complained that she was tired. How can this child be tired? She normally has more energy than any other child we know. She started to cry. The teacher eventually came over to her and said that she could either dance or not dance but crying was disrupting the class. Katie then went into the class and danced til it was over.

My wife called me up at work quite upset about Katie and all this drama. Why is Katie so uncooperative during preschool and dance class and “clingy” at times? It’s something we are going to have to figure out. When I got home from work this evening I asked Katie about it and she said that she was upset at class at first but got over it. I don’t think she would have if the teacher hadn’t talked to her.

1) Katie could not stop crying at dance class this afternoon.