Day #1804 (Fri., Dec. 12, 2014) – Too Tired To Paint
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The photo to the right shows one of the crafts that Katie made in preschool. My wife brought this back from the school today so we’re assuming Katie made it today as well. It’s sometimes hard to get detailed information out of Katie.
We had our annual holiday party at work this evening. I managed to pick up two stress balls for Katie to play with.
On the drive home I stopped off at the Dollar Tree. I picked up a broomstick handle (for the paint roller). A personalized Christmas stocking for Katie (my wife says she can’t find ours). Christmas plates for Katie’s preschool (not sure if we will be able to use them as they don’t say “Season’s Greetings” and some flexible straws as well.
I was way too tired to paint tonight…but I managed to get up early and finish painting the walls in Katie’s new room.
1) Katie made a snowman craft at preschool today (we assume).