Day #1841 (Sun., Jan. 18, 2015) – Securing Katie’s Board
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My wife and I got a lot done around the house yesterday and today started off with a bang as well. I retouched a few spots on Katie’s dresser drawer and finished it off with some protective sealant. It looks like one coat of paint on the back of the bookcase for little Bobby’s room will be enough.
Next up was the magnetic drawing board for Katie’s wall. We decided to secure it to the back of her bedroom door so it will be not only handy, but out of the way.
The next big ticket item on the agenda is putting the crib into little Bobby’s room so I cleaned up all the tools and debris off the floor. It will be harder than I would have liked as I need to disassemble it to get it into the door.
My wife took a nap this afternoon and I tended to Katie. We played imaginary story lines with her Legos. I read her a few stories out of her bedtime story book. We ended up drawing a vampire, evil princess & prince (i.e.: which ended up looking more like a chicken) on horseback on board. You can check it out in the photo to the left.
1) I mounted Katie’s magnetic board on the back of the bedroom door today.