Day #1919 (Mon., Apr. 6, 2015) – Gaining Weight Like Crazy
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All four of us humans (we left the cats at home) went to Katie’s preschool today. Little Bobby got the chance to see his future teachers. It was funny…as all the little girls gathered around the stroller the little boys were off playing with trucks in the distance. They could care less that a baby was in the room.
We took little Bobby to the pediatrician right after we dropped Katie off at preschool. Little Bobby weighted in at 10lbs 8oz today. This means he gained 11oz in 10 days. He is supposed to gain an ounce a day so he overdid it a bit. The pediatrician was very happy.
To the left you can see the new pacifier we have for little Bobby. It has a stuffed animal giraffe on the end of it so that it will not fall out of his mouth.
Everett and Darren showed up this afternoon to start screening in our porch area. Someone gave them an awning so they put that up first. Sure can’t beat the price…free. I did buy a dozen donuts and some Coca Cola for them though.
We gave little Bobby a bath this evening…his first true one. We tried to give him a bath before but it was not too successful. He seemed to really like the water. In fact he seems to like new things…like when I pick him up in the air like he is floating.
Lucy stopped by with Zach this evening. The conversation turned to how much better it is to have a dog rather than a cat.