Day #1933 (Mon., Apr. 20, 2015) – 11lbs 7.5oz

2015-04-20 - Black And White CardsThe photo to the right shows the Black and White cards that we show to little Bobby from time-to-time. He still prefers the lion on the wall next to the changing table.

I took a shower this morning while Katie was still asleep. I put a cartoon on so that she will hopefully watch it instead of waking up mommy.

I picked up some night diapers for Katie at WalGreens at noon today. Sometimes they have a 2 for 1 special. I was not that lucky today…

Little Bobby weighed in at 11lbs 7.5oz today. He lost a lot of weight soon after he was born but he’s making up for lost time (and weight) now…

This evening I asked Katie if she ever played with Luke. She said no, she only plays with girls. She mentioned to me that Teagan said she doesn’t play with her. I asked her why and Katie responded that she was too busy playing with all her other friends.