Day #2053 (Tue., Aug. 18, 2015) – New Blog Header

I updated the header on this blog so that it now indicates I have two children. It also shows a photo of both Katie and little Bobby.

Katie has been asking for jokes and riddles as I put her to bed these days. I found a site which highlights “Jokes/Riddles for 4 Year Olds”. I thought Katie might like them so I printed them out. I ran them past her while I was putting her to bed this evening and she didn’t find most of them funny. Oh well, it was worth a try. Maybe I’ll try “Chicken Crossing The Road” or “Knock Knock Jokes” next time.

2015-08-18 - Screen Door ProtectorLeeAnn (the Chinese babsitter we were planning on interviewing on Friday) was in the neighborhood and stopped by this evening. She is going to Duke Medical School and doing a PhD at the same time. We will be getting her to help Katie with her Chinese homework and tend to little Bobby as well.

Everett came by today and put new pipes in the 2nd bathroom. Hopefully this will end the drama about the sink not draining once and for all. He also put a protector on the screen door on the patio (see photo to the left). Hopefully this will help protect the screen from children and wayward cats…