Day #2080 (Mon., Sept. 14, 2015) – Zoey & Charlotte

2015-09-14 - Zoey & CharlotteTwo black labs, Zoey and Charlotte (see photo to the right), came over to play this morning. Katie spent a lot of time throwing a ball to them before we went to school.

I drove Katie to Glenwood School this morning and there was no line up at the “Kiss & Go”. I parked the car and walked inside and was told that this was a teacher work day so there would be no school for the students. We missed that somehow.

My wife took little Bobby to doctor this morning. He examined him on my wife’s knee. He has always been very kind and responsive to Katie and inquires as to how she is doing with a new addition to the family. Katie wanted to hear little Bobby’s heart but the doctor said it is hard to hear with all the baby fat so he let her listen to his heart.

Little Bobby ate squash for the first time today. My wife mushed it up with some of her milk. Is there anything this kid won’t eat… 🙂

Katie was eating peanuts on floor next to little Bobby this evening. We have to keep drilling and drilling into her that little things like this need to be kept far from little Bobby so he won’t grab for them and choke.

I made some grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato & basil for dinner this evening.