Day #2310 (Sun., May 1, 2016) – Katie’s Writing Assignment

2016-05-01 - Katie's AssignmentKatie had a writing assignment today. She was to write in her own words “What foods we like, what holidays we celebrate, and where we like to go”. She also drew some pictures along with it. The school provided the paper and the assignment is due tomorrow. You can see a photo of the result to the right.

My leg is still bothering me so my wife went to Trader Joe’s and WholeFoods this morning to get supplies while I tended to Bobby. He was very whiny today and what finally seemed to solve the problem is when I picked him up and let him snuggle next to me on the LazyBoy. I put a “La Macarena” video on the television and he would bounce up and down with delight. He would often put his head on my chest as he was too tired to even hold it up. He still won’t eat from daddy though. Not sure what’s up with that but I think he views daddy as playtime not “eating”.

I found a way to compensate for my bad knee by pointing my toes inward but that was not to last for long. I strained it somehow this evening and am back to hobbling along relying on walls and other objects to steady my gate. My wife ordered a cane for me from Amazon for $10 so that will help when all else fails.