Day #2358 (Sat., June 18, 2016) – Bobby Climbs Stairs

2016-06-18 - Climbing The StairsMy leg was bothering me again this morning. So much in fact that I thought of not going to Jeanette’s party this afternoon…

Katie loves this video on YouTube where it shows kids dressing up in various Halloween costumes.

Later this afternoon we packed up the kids and drove over to Jeanette’s house in Northern Raleigh. My wife’s boss is having a BBQ for her workers. Bobby liked the van ride…it was quite a change for him.

Bobby got a chance to climb Jeanette’s stairs. This was the first time he navigated such a contraption and you could see him trying to figure it out. In the end he was able to climb all the way to the top. He didn’t look back and didn’t seem to be scared in the least.

My wife made honey cake with the Duke logo on top as one of the research assistants will be going to Duke next year.

Bobby had a great time playing with the corn on the cob holders. He would drop them on the ground and let others scramble to get them for him. Laura, my wife’s co-worker, enjoyed holding Bobby on her lap. Katie was in her glory playing with the kids and taking care of the younger ones. She was very good in waiting on me as well…she asked me if I wanted some water and then got it for me.