Day #2365 (Sat., June 25, 2016) – Doggie Day Care Sign

My leg is feeling much better this morning. Did the cortisone finally kick in???

2016-06-25 - Katie's SignMy wife was really tired this morning so she slept from about 9am til noon while I tended to the kids. I made some scones & bacon. Bobby enjoyed chasing after Robin and even tried to get out the cat door. We watched a video on the “Limbo” dance via YouTube.

Katie saw our neighbor Courtney with her dog this afternoon and is obsessed with opening a “doggie day care”. She even put a sign up at the end of our driveway (see photo to the left). When I went to Trader Joe’s tonight for supplies she wanted me to pick up some doggie treats for the hoards of dogs she expects to arrive tomorrow…

Our “No Sleep” Bobby is so tired but he refuses to sleep. He runs around with his little giraffe blanket on his head and while his head will hit the floor as he is too tired to hold it up…he will not go to bed… Life is just too interesting…