Day #2411 (Wed., Aug 10, 2016) – Bobby’s New Look
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My left eye started bothering me in the middle of the night. Even eye drops could not solve the problem so I made an appointment with the eye doctor at noon today. I have a viral infection and he gave me some eye drops. He said that I would feel better in a couple of days.
My wife gave Bobby a haircut today. It was getting long and unmanageable (just like his daddy when I was his age). You can see the “remains” in the photo to the left.
The Slinky dog we ordered came in the mail today. It is based on the Toy Story movie and is nothing like the one we used to have when we were kids. Like everything else you pay more and get less… In fact, it is so small I doubt that Bobby will have much success in pulling it behind him.
Gunther came over to play with Katie and Bobby this evening.