Day #2456 (Sat., Sept. 24, 2016) – Fixing The Police Cycle Siren

My wife took Katie to the doctor this morning to get her flu shot. There was a puppet show that they were thinking of attending afterwards but Katie was not into this sort of thing today. They just went to the library and then home.

2016-09-24-police-cycle-repairThe ride-on police cycle that we bought for Bobby at the consignment sale has a faulty siren. I took it apart this afternoon to find out what the problem was (see photo to the right). One of the wires fell off the back of the battery pack. Problem solved. I had to put a piece of duct tape on it to hold it in place, but a soldering iron would sure come in handy. Something to put on my Christmas list.

I also found some time to glue the leg back on the wooden planter in the dining room area. I’m not exactly sure how it fell off but with two kids you never know.

The movie Zootopia that Katie and I saw on a Daddy/Daughter day a few months ago is on Netflix now. Katie enjoyed watching it this afternoon while I slept on the couch and my wife took a nap in the bedroom.

My wife took Katie to the shed this afternoon to get our Halloween decorations out. Halloween can never come quick enough for Katie.