Day #181 (Sat., July 3, 2010) – Little Katie Visits Sam’s Club
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Little Katie was lying on her back and looking up at me this morning. She is usually sucking on something…but this time she was just starring at me. She is gradually getting more and more “human like”.
My wife tried to feed her some more organic sweet potato this morning…but she was having none of that. She saw me eat some cereal and thought that it looked tasty. Wrong. The look on her face tells us that it will take a while before she will get used to the taste.

I took little Katie for a walk around the lake this morning. She was very excited to see the ducks…they passed in front of us and jumped into the lake.
We went to Sam’s Club for supplies around noon and had some of their free food. My mother-in-law was amazed at all the “stuff” they have (like the boxes of cupcakes in the photo to the left).
This was little Katie’s first trip to Sam’s Club. She was rather quiet…all the noises and commotion probably took her out of her comfort zone.
Little Katie was very vocal this afternoon. Not sure why, but she has been trying to utilize her vocal chords more as of late. If something seems to excite or interest her she will just scream out…
1) Little Katie loves to try out her vocal chords.