Day #182 (Sun., July 4, 2010) – Independence Day

Today is little Katie’s first Independence Day. Not only that…she is 6 months old today!!! She’s too young to eat hot dogs…organic sweet potato will have to do for now.

2010-07-04 - Baby Food Chopper
2010-07-04 – Baby Food Chopper

The photo to the right shows another device we have purchased recently. It’s a chopper to cut up little Katie’s baby food into “mush”. Does a great job on sweet potato.

My wife gave me an updated list of little Katie’s weight over the past few months. Here are the results:


May 5: 17 lbs 6.0 oz

June 4: 18 lbs 3.5 oz
June 13: 18 lbs 5.5 oz
June 17: 18 lbs 7.5 oz
June 25: 18 lbs 7.0 oz

July 4: 18 lbs 10.0 oz

In month #5: (18 lbs 3.5 oz) – (17 lbs 6 oz) = 382.718562 grams
In month #6: (18 lbs 10.0 oz) – (18 lbs 3.5 oz) = 184.2719 grams
In months #5,6: (18 lbs 10 oz) – (17 lbs 6 oz) = 566.990463 grams


My mother-in-law took a “6 month family photo” today of my wife and I (and little Katie of course). It was nice and sunny out on the patio…they turned out nice.

1) Little Katie is 6 months old today!