Day #2600 (Wed., Feb. 15, 2017) – Katie’s New Sleeping Plan
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My wife got an Iron Man and Captain America figure the same size as the Spiderman I got at Walgreens before Christmas. They are effectively around 11″ tall. Bobby’s going to love them. The question is, when do we give them to him? We certainly didn’t want to give them to him tonight or he would never fall asleep. I think we may give him one this weekend and take Katie out for Daddy/Daughter day as well.
Katie came up with the idea that she would go to bed and in a couple of hours we would wake her up and she could stay up with us for a while. Well, she remembered the “stay up with us” part but not the first part where she would sleep for a couple of hours. Nice try Katie… Off to bed you go…
Bobby is really into the Rhino these days. I’m going to try to get a selection of Spiderman “villains” for him, but the little rhino shown in the photo to the left suffices for now.
This evening I assembled the little wooden fruits and veggies so that Bobby could cut them with his wooden knife. This is a Melissa and Doug toy that we got for Katie when she was younger but Bobby really seems to like it these days.
I managed to put Bobby to bed this evening. My wife’s back is still sore so I did what I was able with my sore knees and it worked. For starters he ate a ton of food and the buckwheat cereal he ate already had milk in it. This might have substituted for milk in the bottle as he was certainly not going to drink any of that from me. After reading for a bit I put him in the crib and we read a bit more. I then turned out the light and left and soon he was sleeping.