Day #2639 (Sun., Mar. 26, 2017) – Letting Karen Go

My wife took Katie and Bobby to see Arnesa and Ayra this morning. Dzenen and his mom are in New York City for the weekend. I stayed home to make some “Cauliflower Rice & Chicken Casserole“.

2017-03-26 - Two Pics Of KatieThis afternoon my wife took Katie to a food truck rodeo on Rosemary Street while Bobby had his nap. I took a nap too…all that standing doing the cooking wore my legs out. My wife took a picture of Katie getting some red frozen concoction (see photo to the right) and placed it next to a similar photo of Katie back in 2014 (the weekend before we realized we were having Bobby).

On the Sunday news this evening there was an entry about the granddad kept journals for his grand-daughter. This blog has been taking notes on our two children from the day that they were born.

We decided to let Karen, our nanny, go this evening. It was just not working out. We are back into the nanny business again.