Day #481 (Fri., Apr. 29, 2011) – KATIE GETS MARRIED!!!
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Katie Middleton that is.. 🙂 It’s 5:58 and daddy is up working on this blog and watching the coverage of the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton. 6:14am … everyone is at the Church…the ceremony begins…

My wife and Katie watched the wedding while I was at work. My wife told me that whenever Katie would see a horse she would make the sound “Whoo Hoo Wee Hee”…
I went to the Dollar Store at lunch today and picked up a couple of coloring books. When I got home I did a coloring in one of the pages, and Katie soon caught on. The photo to the left shows her very first coloring. I ripped it out after I took this photo so that I could take it to work.
I sent an email to the contractor to mention that the HOA would like to have a couple of photos of patios he has developed in the past.
1) Katie watched Katie get married.