Day #610 (Mon., Sept 5, 2011) – 26 lbs and 14 oz.
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Katie weighed in at 26 lbs and 14 oz today. She is becoming a big girl. It’s getting harder to reach over and take her out of the car seat…

It was raining this evening so no outing for Katie (she played on the patio instead as you can tell from the photo to the left). My mother-in-law actually took her out for a stroll in front of our house earlier today. That should help her feel a bit less “wild”. She can be a lot to handle if she doesn’t get her “outing”…
Katie found our assortment of flags and brought them to me. They were sitting right next to me on the bed when she picked up one and took it out to my wife. It was a U.S. flag. She then came back and took out a second flag. It was the other U.S. flag. Next up with the Nova Scotia flag. She then took the two smaller Canadian and Lithuanian flags. I’m flagless…
When Katie is let out of her high chair she will run across the room and hit me on the stomach with her hands. It kind of hurts…she can put a lot of force into those blows. I guess all the “rough housing” that daddy does with her is coming back to haunt me. My wife is trying to teach her how to be “gentle with daddy”…we’ll see if it works.
1) Katie got into our assortment of flags today.