Day #56 (Sun., Feb. 28, 2010) – The Baby Tub

7:00am – Little Katie was rumbling and grumbling in her bassinet…but her eyes were closed. In the end I decided that I’d better change her as that was probably the culprit. I was right. Lots of #1. In the process of changing her here came #2…all over daddy’s hand. She looked so happy and pleased with herself…like it was a game. As soon as I buttoned her up she started her other cry with the different sound…the “I want food” cry. Quick stop off at mommy’s side of the bed for a refill.

We went to the Mexican restaurant down the road for lunch today. This is the first time little Katie has been here. The manager who showed us to our seat commented on the “chubby cheeks” she has. She behaved throughout the meal.

When we got home we decided that we would go for a stroll to the park and back. This was the time for little Katie to act up…and she did. We were going to go to the lake but decided to turn around and go home due to her crying. When got part way home she fell asleep so we decided we would take a bit of a stroll along the lake. A bit of a diversion from the intended plan, but a crying baby tends to make you adjust your plans…

2010-02-28 - Baby Tub
2010-02-28 - Baby Tub

Sometimes little Katie makes such a mess that you need to give her a bath. We had to bathe her twice today! To the right is a picture of the baby tub that we use. She doesn’t really mind baths that much…but she doesn’t like the facecloth on her face too much.

Little Katie sure does not like to be wet. Once she does a #1 in her diaper she acts up so much that you just have to change her…and NOW. I thought that the absorbant diapers they have now-a-days were supposed to prevent all this crying? Perhaps up to a point…

9:30pm – I decided I would have a nice relaxing snack, but little Katie was having nothing to do with it. Here comes #2 (with sound effects), so I downed my snack and took her to the changing table. Funny…a few months ago I would have gagged at the very prospect of this… Guess when you love your child every changes…

9:47pm – Little Katie can get so fussy when she is being fed. If she’s not at just the right angle or “whatever” she will let out a squeal and start to punch the air. She just landed a nice left hook onto my wife’s nose…my wife said it hurt. Probably hurt little Katie a lot less than yesterday when she scratched her own nose.

9:48pm – Little Katie is asleep now. Usually she gets that fussy just before she falls asleep…and this proves it.

1) Diaper technology can still be improved upon.