Day #844 (Thu., Apr. 26, 2012) – “Special Present” Plastic Frogs
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On the way home from work this evening I stopped off at Trader Joe’s to pick up supplies. $244 worth of groceries…but that included 6 quarts of goats milk, plenty of organic meat, and $20 worth of fresh ground Kona coffee. At least my wife won’t need to worry about going to the grocery store next week while our babysitter is on vacation.

I gave Katie another special present this evening…a little package of plastic frogs that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day (see photo to the right). They are attached to the end of a plastic scissor so that when you push the handles of the scissors towards each other the frogs will jump. One of them was broken…a little piece of plastic was broken off. When I told Katie to come here and let me show her where it was broken she came near and listened very intently to what I was saying.
I was wanting to spread the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mat on the living room floor but there was a dish in the way. I asked Katie to get it and move it out of the way for me and she did. This kid is absolutely amazing at what she understands…and she is only two years old!
Katie went to bed soon after 8pm this evening but as I was passing her bedroom I started to cough. Drat! Now she is up again…
1) Katie got some plastic “scissor” frogs today.