Day #871 (Wed., May 23, 2012) – Brushing Mommy’s Hair

2012-05-23 - Bathroom Drawer
2012-05-23 - Bathroom Drawer

I thought I would show you the safety latch that I installed on the drawer in the 2nd bathroom last night (see photo to the right). Everything with a drawer will have a safety latch soon…

Katie wore her pink striped “convict uniform” (as I call it) this evening.

Katie brushed mommy’s hair this evening. She got up on her chair and when my wife handed her the brush she brushed away…at least for a while. She saw daddy’s wine glass (empty) and went for that. I have to always make sure that if I have wine I empty it or keep it out of her hands.

7:23pm – Katie is dipping her hands in a mug of milk and making a mess. Another typical evening in our household.

Katie asked to have a bath this evening. She was scared of taking a bath at some point but not no more. Last night she actually washed a baby doll and took great delight in mentioning each body part as she washed it.

1) My wife loves it when Katie brushes her hair.