Day #875 (Sun., May 27, 2012) – Zach Pays A Visit
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Katie and I played out in the turtle pool this morning after she got up. She sure loves to play in water. Pouring water from this vessel into that vessel and transporting it about. What joy. I did make a hopscotch layout on our driveway (see photo to the right) and she played with it for a bit…but nothing beats water.
Our neighbors will be moving soon and wanted to give us some of their lawn and garden tools so my wife and I took Katie over for a visit this afternoon. We got various tools such as rakes and saws and shoves and even some weed wackers and a push lawn mower. I drove my wife’s car over and put the stuff in the trunk for easy transport.
When we got home “Zach”, our other neighbor’s dog, paid us a visit. It is a young black lab with lots of energy and apparently got loose. Before I knew it she was all over our house with Katie in tow. Katie sure loves that dog and it makes her day.
1) Katie sure loves Zach The Dog.