Day #915 (Fri., July 6, 2012) – Oh No…Another Cold
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Even in our new house with loads of room we still need to find ingenious ways to keep things out of the reach of Katie (see photo to the left).
My wife emailed me to tell me that Katie’s nose is running and it looks like she is coming down with another cold. Oh no…daddy is not over the last one I got from her.
Katie was very fussy this evening. I think it is due to the fact that she is getting a cold. Even after a couple of “Special Presents”, a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Chalkboard and a red baseball bat and ball (which I didn’t intend to give her…she just found it), she was still fussy. Maybe after a good night’s sleep she will feel better.
When Katie was playing with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Chalkboard this evening she started to lick the sponge and wipe the chalk off the board. My wife and I were trying to figure out where she learned that trick from? It was disgusting and she loved the look on our face when she did it.
I learned from a lady at work that the Mayflower Restaurant in Hillsborough (we took Katie to it way back here when she was only a few weeks old) is now open again. They also apparently have a restaurant in Durham as well. We will have to check them both out at some point.
1) I gave Katie a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Chalkboard this evening.