Day #1010 (Tue., Oct. 9, 2012) – “What Is It Doing”?

I still not feeling the best so I stayed home from work today. My wife left for work at 8am and Emily was taking care of Katie when I woke up. I know how hard it is to manage Katie when she thinks mom and dad are home so I stayed low til they left for the gym later in the morning.

2012-10-09 - Painted Cow
2012-10-09 – Painted Cow

This evening I was feeling a bit better so we decided to drive around Chapel Hill. My wife had a map…apparently there are a lot more “Painted Cows” around the city. Katie kept asking “Can we see the painted cows”. My wife thought she was saying “pink” cows…she tends to slur her words a bit. You can see one of these “Painted Cows” in the photo to the left.

When Katie sees things on TV or YouTube or “where ever” she tends to say “What is it doing”. I thought toddlers would say “Why” a lot…I guess that this is Katie’s version. Here are Katie’s “Top 3” in what she wants to see on YouTube these days:

  • Old McDonald Had A Farm
  • Can Can Dancing
  • Animals Doing “Anything”

1) Katie has a “Top 3 List” of what she wants to see on YouTube these days.