Day #1025 (Wed., Oct. 24, 2012) – Orange & Pumpkin Day
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Today seemed to focus around pumpkins and the color orange. For starters, I was up at 3am carving out a jack-o-lantern design on one of our pumpkins. Why 3am? Well, Katie is asleep and if she is up she will want “to help”…which means that it will take all that much longer.
My wife dressed Katie in orange for school today. When Katie came out of the elevator she found out why. They made “pumpkin masks” out of paper plates to go over the kids faces (see photo to the left). It looks like they were cut out and stapled to a stick. All the kids had to do was paint them orange and put some green “tassles” on the top to mimic the stem of the pumpkin I guess…
This evening, when the sun went down, I put the Jack-O-Lantern that I carved in the wee hours of the morning on the patio. I got a little disposable flashlight from the Dollar Store to put in it. The good thing about this bulb is that it flickers…to make the effect of the Jack-O-Lantern all that more exciting. Katie was fascinated with it…but said that she was scared of it too… Perhaps because it was surrounded by darkness.
1) Katie made a pumpkin mask at preschool today.