Day #1119 (Sat., Jan. 26, 2013) – Your Banana Is Empty
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This morning Katie asked me for some of my banana, which I quickly obliged. Soon she was back asking for more. When she saw that the banana peeling was empty she said “It is empty, I’ll take it to the garbage”. So, she did. She walked over to the garbage can, opened the lid with her foot, and put it inside.
We Skyped my mother this morning so she could see Katie. At first Katie was not in a very social mood, but she soon returned and told my mother that she peed on the potty.

It’s still cold and rather miserable outside so we all spent the day inside. I made a tall tower out of the red cardboard blocks (see photo to the left) that Katie got as a present for doing a #2 in the potty. I sing a little song as I do it:
Daddy is building a tall tower and nobody can knock it down. Nobody can knock it down, yes, nobody can knock it down.
As soon as Katie hears this melody she promptly gets a wry smile on her face and comes over and knocks it down…
It seems that Katie is coming down with something…which means that daddy should be getting it soon as well. Only my wife seems immune to Katie’s flu and cold bugs.
1) Katie can open the garbage can all by herself.