Day #1174 (Fri., Mar. 22, 2013) – Katie & Becca & Zach

2013-03-22 - Click-Clack
2013-03-22 – Click-Clack

It was cold in the morning so we kept Katie inside. My wife brought Zach over and Becca and Katie and Zach had loads of fun running around the house.

I gave Katie a “Special Present” from the Dollar Store this evening, a “Click Clack” (see photo to the left). It is a series of blocks that are joined together with a ribbon. Depending on how you adjust the blocks you will make different designs.

Just before my wife took Zach home for the evening Katie decided that she would read Zach some stories. She dutifully made up some words and turned the pages. Zach slept nearby…

This evening my wife and I decided that I should go and see the doctor tomorrow. We were hoping that I could fight this “thing” off, but it appears to be dragging on longer than we had anticipated. While I’ve been tired the past few weeks my wife has had to do the lion share of taking care of Katie and putting her to bed.

1) Katie has started to “read books”…or at least turn the pages and make up her own stories.