Day #1196 (Sat., Apr. 13, 2013) – Yellow Alligator Soap Dish
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My wife and I decided that we needed to get a new mattress so we packed up Katie and drove out to the Original Mattress Factory near Fearrington Village. While there Katie saw a plastic dinosaur on the table and asked the sales manager if she could buy it.
While at Ferrington Katie got to see some cows and goats, but the main attraction was “Polly The Parrot”. Actually they were two doves but I nicknamed one of them “Polly”. They made a laughing “cooing” sound and Katie got a great kick out of that. We had lunch at the Belted Goat Restaurant and Katie had a grilled cheese sandwich for the first time. My wife was saying how she should make them for Katie…she really took to them.
When Katie got up from her nap we went out to the garden and finished putting down the compost mixture. My wife wanted to do some baking and house cleaning so I said that I would take Katie out this evening. We had quite the adventure…
Our first stop was to YoPop for some frozen yogurt. We each had a bowl, but Katie didn’t really like the frozen yogurt much. She said that she wanted some more of those “pop things in your mouth”, so I went and got her another small bowl of them for $0.68. When she finished that she wanted another so I got her another small bowl for $1.28. When she finished that she wanted another but I said we had better leave. One interesting fact…Katie left her shoes near another table and when I asked her to go get them she crawled over like a cat and picked them up in her mouth. She’s still pretending to be a cat.
When we left YoPop Katie saw a couple of Chinese girls playing so she ran with them for a bit. They picked some red berries off the trees so Katie did the same. At one point Katie asked me to go feed the birds with her so we walked down to the end of the strip mall, red berries in hand, looking for birds to feed. I told her that there might be birds near the tractors outside of Lowe’s, so off we went.
We didn’t see any birds (as it was nighttime), so I said that we should leave them on one of the trolleys so that they would find them and have them for breakfast tomorrow. She seemed satisfied with that response. She didn’t really want to sit on the tractors too much as they were “too bouncy” (some of the seats spring forward if you move too much). We ended up inside Lowe’s and Katie spotted a yellow aligator soap dish that she wanted (see photo to the right). It was on sale, so I picked it up for her. We were then off to home…
1) Katie had her first grilled cheese sandwich today.