Day #1231 (Sat., May 18, 2013) – Arts & Crafts With Katie
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It’s going to be rainy today and tomorrow…good days to stay inside and play. I made turkey bacon and eggs for us to start off the day.
Katie loves to organize and she got ahold of the Dollar Store pill organizer that we use to store vitamins in. I thought that I would get her one to use the next time I went to the Dollar Store…and today is the day. While at the Dollar Store I got a bunch of other items:
1) 3 pill organizers.
2) A sheet of styrofoam.
3) Tiny umbrellas.
4) Glitter Glue.
5) Jungle Animal Stamp Set.
When Katie got up from her nap she saw the styrofoam, glitter glue, jungle animal stamp set and tiny umbrellas spread out on the floor. We then started off assembling the various components. First we used the supplied red stamp pad to put down some animal designs on the styrofoam. Katie loves glitter glue and I cut out some animals from magazines so she could glue them in place. Of course the animals need some shade, so we placed the tiny umbrellas in the styrofoam so that they would not get sunburned. You can see the final product in the photo to the left.
1) We spent the day with Katie making crafts today.