Day #1263 (Wed., Jun 19, 2013) – Glitter Art
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When I went to my car at noon today I noticed this pink thing on the mirror. When I came closer I could see exactly what it was…Katie’s bag (see photo to the left). Katie must have been decorating the car and put it there. I drove all the way to work this morning with it on the car’s mirror.
I gave Katie a “Special Present” this evening…a glitter art kit that I got at the Dollar Store the other day.
I tried to have a nap when I got home from work this evening but Katie would not let me. She would run in the hall and scream and wake me up just before I dozed off. Eventually she wanted to see daddy so my wife brought her into the bedroom. Now it was my wife’s turn to get a bit of sleep.
As we were playing with toys this evening I happened to come across a slinky. As I played with it I started to sing the slinky song. Katie recognized the melody immediately and wanted to watch the ad on YouTube. She remembered that I showed her this ad over a year ago. What a memory. First slinky, then Major Matt Mason, then Secret Sam… I went through the various toys that I used to play with when I was a kid.
By 10:45pm it was clear that Katie had no intention of going to bed. I decided to wake my wife up and have her take over. She seems to be able to put Katie to bed better than me these days.
1) I drove around this morning with the decoration that Katie put on my car’s mirror.