Day #1489 (Fri., Jan. 31, 2014) – Birthday Party At The Park
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This pesky winter weather (see photo to the right) will just not go away. There was some talk of Katie’s preschool being either closed or delayed today, but in the end it opened at 9am…business as usual.
After preschool Katie met Molly and some of their friends at the park for Molly’s Birthday Party. Due to all the bad weather the birthday present my wife had ordered online did not make it, so Katie had to go empty handed. I guess she went up to Molly’s nanny and said that she didn’t have a present. My wife emailed her later in the day and explained the situation to her. She’ll take her the gift on Monday.
Everyone in the house was napping this afternoon and when Katie started to wake up my wife was so tired that she didn’t hear her. I went to pick her up and give her some juice. She wanted to watch Wonder Woman on television, her latest “favorite”…
1) Katie had to go to Molly’s Birthday Party without a present as it didn’t arrive from Amazon due to the bad weather.