Day #1568 (Sun., Apr. 20, 2014) – Our Budding Artist
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My wife is making snacks for Katie’s school this week so she went for supplies in the morning while I tended to Katie. Here’s what we did:
1) Went to check out the shed. Katie made a little stool out of 2″ x 4″ so she could see our of the top floor window.
2) Took her “Feed The Pig” piggy bank for a walk.
2) Blew bubbles on the front lawn.
When my wife returned it was my turn to run errands. Unfortunately almost everything was closed due to Easter Sunday, but the Dollar Store was open. I managed to get Katie some Easter gifts. Such as:
1) A princesses helium balloon.
2) A pair of child’s sunglasses.
3) A couple of pinwheels.
4) A little white plush bunny.
5) A chocolate bunny rabbit.
6) A gift bag with African animals on the sides.
This evening my wife had Katie write some notes to her teachers as next week is “Teacher Appreciation Week”. Katie made this one egg decoration that was just amazing in the fact that it was so beautiful and exact (see photo to the right). I think she could be a fantastic artist if she chose to be.
1) Katie has real artistic ability.