Day #1711 (Wed., Sep. 10, 2014) – Visit From The Police
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I was up in the middle of the night to make some of my granola via the modified America’s Test Kitchen recipe. Mine has less sugar and my wife loves it. I was going to make it last night but I was just too tired. I also went outside and brought the garbage cans back from the street.
Around 11am this morning the Chapel Hill Police arrived at our house. It was an invite. We wanted them to look at our house and give us some advice on how best to secure it. They gave us some overall safety tips and then recommended a few alarm companies.
Katie went to the park today. She got the chance to see a turtle (see photo to the right). Is this the reason she has had her sudden love of sea turtles?
Genevieve stopped by this evening to drop off some almond cake.
As I was helping Katie to brush her teeth before bed this evening I started to sing the Flipper theme song. I then went out to YouTube and showed Katie the real version. This migrated into us watching a YouTube video about the dolphin show at Sea World.
1) I showed Katie a YouTube video of the Flipper theme song tonight.