Day #1736 (Sun., Oct. 5, 2014) – Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe

2014-10-05 - Ye Ole Waffle ShoppeWe bundled up Katie early this morning and took her to “Ye Old Waffle Shoppe” in Chapel Hill (see photo to the right). It will be a whole lot harder to get out once or little bundle of joy arrives so we had better take advantage of this opportunity while we can. I had the pecan waffles and my wife enjoyed an omelette. Katie seemed content with having ice from the water class and a couple of strips of bacon.

On the way back to the car we stopped off at the CVS Store on Franklin Street. My wife picked up a Halloween decoration…a black tree with orange lights. When we got home my wife and I took the Halloween and Christmas decorations down from the attic. I went to bed while my wife and Katie decorated the yard for the upcoming trick or treaters.

This afternoon my wife wanted to go to the Spirit Halloween Store in Raleigh. I thought they were closed but I guess not. On the way Katie got sick in the car. At the first location on Leesville Road my wife got some spiders for the webs she placed outside the house this afternoon. The second location on Glenwood Drive was larger and Katie got her fill of animated scary creatures. There is a bit of a difference in her from last year…she seems to be actually scared of some of the monsters this year.

After a quick bite to eat at Japan Express (my wife loved the “White Sauce”) we drove home. I tended to Katie while my wife went to bed. We put some spiders on the web off the carport and some plastic ghosts on a nearby tree. I read five Halloween books to her that she got at the library yesterday. Soon my wife was up…her turn to tend to Katie.

1) We took Katie to the “Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe” this morning.