Day #1752 (Tue., Oct. 21, 2014) – MacKenzie’s Gift
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MacKenzie gave Katie a nice gift at school today. When I talked to Katie about it this evening she told me that Eleri didn’t.
I stopped off at Mellott Construction on the way home from work this evening and picked up some stones to put in the potholes in our driveway (see photo to the right).
My wife and I gave Nicky a gift card for her birthday this evening. She told us that she is planning to get a Golden Retriever puppy as Miley, her Labradoodle is getting older.
I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies this evening. I was trying to talk to my wife and Katie kept interrupting us. When I got home from Trader Joe’s I made sure to tell Katie that I was going to get her some stickers but decided against it since she was interrupting daddy. I told her that if she wants to get stickers and other nice gifts from me in the future she needs to listen to me.
1) Katie was interrupting me this evening so I told her I didn’t go out of my way to get stickers for her at Trader Joe’s.