Day #1939 (Sun., Apr. 26, 2015) – 12lbs 3oz
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I went to Trader Joe’s when they opened up at 8am this morning. With energetic Katie and unpredictable little Bobby around you have to take advantage of any opportunity you can to go out and get supplies.
My allergies are still exhausting me, but I did find the energy to fix the curtain in Katie’s room this morning. She accidentally pulled it down a few weeks ago. I made her promise to be more careful this time.
This afternoon I took Katie to a Frozen birthday party for Amelia and Annalise, two of Katie’s classmates. Since they live so close, and their birthdays are so close together, they usually have a combined birthday party. It was an outdoor party and they had snacks and “Frozen” cupcakes (see photo to the left).
I saw Raquel there…she was hoping we would bring little Bobby. There was this little two year old who was following me around a bit…Norah was her name. Very sweet little girl.
Time to weigh little Bobby. Today he weighed in at: 12lbs 3oz (5530 g). He gained 11.5 oz in 6 days.
Katie was running around this evening and we heard bottles clanging in the kitchen. We asked her what she was doing and she just whined and would not reply. As it turns out she was playing with the bottles I got at Trader Joe’s this morning and was afraid that we would be upset.