Day #2032 (Tue., July 28, 2015) – Bumble Bee PJ’s

2015-07-28 - Yellow MonkeyThe photo to the right shows the little yellow Jumperoo monkey that little Bobby is fascinated with. He also loves the monkey wall sticker that hangs over the changing table in his room. Guess he has a thing for monkeys?

Both my wife and I were off to work this morning. We forgot to take the stroller out of the Camry so my wife borrowed a stroller from Genevieve. Steve brought it over so she was late. As it turns out that was a good thing as she met Sam at the end of out road. He thought that Katie needed to go to Miss Laura’s house but it is Art Camp this week…so he turned around and took her there instead. They were 30 minutes late.

Lisa brought her daughter to work today. She was born in mid-May. It’s amazing to see how small she is in comparison to little Bobby.

We keep trying to put Katie to bed earlier and earlier as she will need to get up earlier this year to get to elementary school at 8am.

In putting Katie to bed this evening I happened to pick her bumble bee pajamas. Little Bobby happened to be in his bumble bee pajamas so it was a good opportunity to take some photos of the two kids. My wife got in a number of the shots as well.