Day #2306 (Wed., Apr. 27, 2016) – Arnesa’s Ultrasound

Katie wore her new orthopedic shoe to school for the first time today. Apparently the kids were saying that the chickens at school would hatch today. We’ll see…

2016-04-27 - Ice MachineI had another orthopedic session this afternoon. They have this really “cool” (pardon the pun) ice machine that cools down your leg. Kind of like a blood pressure monitor but cool water circulates instead (see photo to the right).

When I got home from work this evening my wife, Bobby and Katie were in front of the house playing. Katie was bounding around like a little rabbit and Bobby was enjoying every minute of it. As it turns out her toe doesn’t hurt much any more. I wonder if she will not be able to go dancing earlier than we expected.

Lots of talk about tornadoes in Oklahoma, today being one of the worst. Every time I hear this on the news I think of Nicky. Not sure what happened to her…she seems to have disappeared…at least from email reach…

Arnesa had her ultrasound today and it looks like she might be having a girl. She is very excited. She will be going home for the summer but when she returns she will be “great with child”.