Day #2339 (Mon., May 30, 2016) – “The Day Bobby Walks”?

It’s Memorial Day here in the US. Katie went over to play at Helen’s house this morning and my wife went over to get her when she woke up from her nap. I tended to Bobby.

I ran around town getting supplies today. I went to Home Depot to get some paint and other odds and ends to paint the sign that will display over the mailbox. I also went to Sam’s club to pick up my wife’s glasses and get a new external hard drive. While I was there I picked up some cherries and grapes for Katie.

2016-05-30 - Squishable YogurtThe next and final stop was Trader Joe’s where I got, among other things, mango waffles and some “cauliflower rice”…two new items that they have started to stock. The photo to the left shows the squishable yogurt that Katie loves.

My wife and I were exclaiming that today might well be the day that we consider Bobby to walk as he is walking around so much today. He does crawl from time-to-time but seems eager to get on his feet and loves all the attention he gets when he does.