Day #2341 (Wed., June 1, 2016) – We Have No Nannies

2016-06-01 - Toothpaste

So we effectively have no nanny so I took the morning off to take care of Bobby as my wife had a meeting. My wife came home around noon and took over tending to Bobby. I worked from home for the rest of the day.

Bobby would not eat so I gave him a Trader Joe’s “Rocket” (similar to a goldfish) to munch on. He choked on it and threw up all over the carpet.

My wife took Katie to her dance recital this evening and didn’t come back til after 6pm. She met Austin, another nanny potential, at the door. Austin plays field hockey for UNC. Cameron, another nanny hopeful, is coming tomorrow to spend the day with Bobby. We were thinking that Izzy might take up the slack but her mother thinks that being a full-time nanny for the summer might be a bit too much for her.

I had to go and get goat’s milk this evening. With both Bobby and Katie drinking these days we can sure go through a lot of it…