Day #2440 (Thu., Sept. 8, 2016) – Dancing With Mattie & Sophie

2016-09-08-disassembled-dollThe photo to the right shows the picture of the doll that Bobby disassembled yesterday.

While driving Katie to Glenwood this morning I was able to find out what happened yesterday with Brittany. Katie told me that Brittany reminds her of an instructor at Spence’s Farm who she didn’t like. This association has been passed on to Brittany. She also told me that when Brittany was taking her from swim lessons yesterday she made her walk on the pavement without her shoes. Katie laughed and basically said “The joke was on her because she had to pick me up and carry me in the end”.

My wife has asked me to get Katie to add numbers together without the use of her fingers. Katie put her hands up in the air and looked down so that I would know she didn’t use her fingers. She did a good job on the three additions I gave her.

Carly picked both Katie and Mattie after school today and took them to dance class. Sophie, another classmate of Katie’s was also in the class.

My wife is going to be room parent for Katie’s class this year along with Zoey’s mom and Natasha’s mom.