Day #223 (Sat., Aug 14, 2010) – Little Katie Sits Up!
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We had a Skype session with my mother this morning. Little Katie was in a particularly good mood. She even showed my mother her two front teeth (via a smile of course).

Time for daddy to shop for baby supplies this afternoon. I got 3 big boxes of #3 diapers from Target and some plastic bags to freeze momma’s milk.
I had little Katie sitting next to me on the bed this evening. No toys around, so she had to listen to daddy sing to her. She seems to be more content these days to have you talk and sing to her…at least she doesn’t seem to need to have a toy like she did when she was younger.
My wife came rushing into the bedroom this evening, camera in hand. She showed me a photo (shown to the left) in which little Katie is sitting up by herself. She has been attempting it for a while now, but always seemed to fall to the side. Tonight she did it!!!
1) Little Katie sits up by herself for the first time today.